Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bikes and Scouts

I am a Cub Scout Den Leader, which means I am my son's leader. This sometimes is helpful and sometimes not so helpful. It means more meltdowns at den meetings at times. But it also means I am there to help encourage my son through trying times. This week we had a bike rodeo. This meant we had to prepare my son to be able to ride a bike. Up until now he has not been able to ride a bike without training wheels. He will be 9 in March. I was already prepared for the kids to say things and for some teasing. He spent a week working hard for our son to be able to ride his bike with out the training wheels. Luckily he is stubborn and worked really hard and was able to do it. The hard time came when it was time to go through a course without putting your foot down. As soon as my son's foot hit the ground all the boys pipped in, "he stepped down, he stepped down he is disqualified!" My Co-Leader and I explained nicely that he just learned how to ride a bike that very week and that we were not going to count that. Unfortunately, it didn't end there and the boys continued to say something. I finally, having enough firmly said he has special needs and we are going to stop talking about it now. I regret saying it the way I did, but my heart was breaking for him every time they yelled something at him. I guess this is all part of the journey learning to cope with things that will happen through his life. It sure is one learning experience!

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